Miami / West Palm Beach / Medellin


Link Building

Local Business ​Listings

Are You Being Found Locally?​

Business Listings

If you are reading this, it’s most likely that you Googled “Local Business Listing”  or any other “business listing” type keyword.

As a business owner it is important to list your business information in as many relevant business directories on the Internet to enhance your Local SEO authority.

These types of business listings help build authority to your website and brand, but also helps drive more qualified eyeballs looking for your products and services.

Build Better Backlinks

Why Are Local Backlinks Important?​

Increase Visibility For Local Searches​

One of the best and easiest ways to increase your visibility online for local SEO keyword searches, is to submit your information to a business listing in directories or social media sites like Google Business Profile, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Foursquare, Bing, Facebook, or even Reddit.


Facebook can serve as a business listing as well as a social media network that can reach new customers organically as well as through Social Ads (paid) through their robust pay per click (PPC) platform.

This is not difficult to do at all. You just need to have plenty of time and be patient. 

And Money....​

In order to increase your SEO visibility online, you will need to establish “clean” SEO backlinks, as well as getting your website listed on other local online directories as well as the 200 other ranking factors from Google that no one knows about!

Why are Building Links Important?

Google views backlinks and local business listings as a way to legitimize and endorse your business in terms of your competition but also specific industry categories. Remember not all backlinks and business listings are created equally.


Local Search Ecosystem​

Data Aggregators​

Keep A Consistent "NAP"​

A “N A P “ basically means the name, address, and phone number of a local business.

Your N.A.P is important to Google and other search engines as they cross-reference information across different business listings and websites across the Internet, then tries to guess what is the best data available to display for local results and near me keywords.

Keeping a clean “NAP” online means making sure your business information on local directories are updated with pictures and the latest information.

Make sure your telephone number and address stay consistent throughout all your local business submissions. 

By keeping your business information consistent with Data Aggregators, it sends a quality SEO signal to Google that lets them know you’re still in business!

This is Not An Overnight SEO Process

*REMEMBER* this Local SEO strategy takes some time to seed the business listings and directories. 

The quality of your backlinks and business listings are important in the eyes of Google. When choosing business directories to submit to, you should do a quick Google search as well as using tools like or for search engine data.

By being careful and choosing the best-ranking business listings and citations in your industry, your website that is linked to these listings will be considered important by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.

Top Local Listings​

High Domain Trust​

Examples of local business directories

Understanding how the local search ecosystem works helps to fuel local search visibility quicker but also sends quality signals to Google about your business data.

Some of the business directory listings and major data aggregators that we list your business on include:

  • Google Business Profile (Google My Business, Google Places, Google+)
  • SuperPages
  • Yelp
  • Bing Local
  • CitySearch
  • Foursquare
  • Yahoo Local
  • Facebook

Online reviews as a digital strategy

As Google and other search engines continue to get smarter and smarter on returning search queries for user intent, Google, in particular, use their Google Reviews and 3rd party online reviews as a way to locally rank based on review score, local business listings (citations), and user content within those reviews.

"85% of consumers use the Internet for research before making a purchasing decision thus making reviews, and company profiles incredibly important to monitor."

We've Helped Companies Like Yours

Our Local Business Listings Include:​

Develop local search authority by first business listing performance along with competitor analysis to develop next steps in submitting, claiming, and verifying listings through data aggregators.

Listings Tactics We Implement:​

Analyze Data​

Scour the web for brand mentions and assess website performance benchmarks.​

Implement Tasks​

Use digital footprint to execute tasks to fix and improve presence online. 

Create Audit​

Understand your position online, compile digital footprint with next steps to improve. ​


Measure KPIs with ongoing improvements when Google updates its search algorithm.​

Plan of Action

Listings Approach​

Our business listings takes a holistic approach when it comes to your digital marketing plan.


Audit Tools​

We take a peek underneath your “hood” and see what can be improved on your website.


Online Visibility​

We help you understand where your business stands locally and competitively.


Achieve Your Goals​

Our local SEO strategy will help build rankings, generate phone calls, and increase sales. 

Knowledgeable, Accountable, and Goal Driven

It's All About Your Results.

The first step is always the hardest when thinking about hiring an SEO company, so go ahead, and give us a call at 305-239-8505 or schedule a 15 minute consultation below: